Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Interesting Business Analyst Interview Questions

I have collect some interesting BA job interview questions, mostly non-technical, which can occurr in any IT related job role, so read them carefully.

“What are the other companies you are interested in?”
“What do you do if another employee yells at you”
“what was your proudest moment”
“why do you want to work for us”
“Describe how will you deal with unethical issue at work?”
“Describe a situation when you incorporated another person in making a key decision?”
“Explain your most notable achievment.”
“What do you know about this job?”
“How did you evaluate pros and cons when making an difficult decision?”
“What was the happiest time of your life?”
“Describe a time when you received negative feedback.”
“Explain how you don't like to fail, give me an example where you came near, but bounced back.”
“Describe a situation in which you took a risk, did it pay off, and would you do it differently next time.”
“how do other people view you?”
“Why would you want to work for a company after running your own company for several years?”
“Describe a time when you had disagreements with people.”
“Describe a situation where you had to overcome difficulties with a coworker.”
“how would you start if I was to ask you to design a TV.”
“Tell me about yourself”
“What is the best example of a process you have made more efficient in your life? How did you do it?”
“Describe do you usually communicate with others?”
“Describe a work related problem you had to face recently. What did you do to deal with it”
“If you had to describe a professional short-coming, what would it be?”
“What is your weakness?”
“Have you had any negative interactions with a co-worker in the past and how did you handle it?”
“Tell me how your past work experience relates to your current job/or for this position?”
“What do you know about Us?”
“What was your least favorite class?”
“Name a situation in which you worked with a group.”
“What are your strengths? Weaknesses?”
“What salary are you seeking?”
“describe a time you need to make a quick decision”
“If I spoke with some of your previous employees, how would they describe you?”
“Describe your biggest challenge in your work thus far.”
“Leadership skill, teamwork skills”
“Out of the many standards and certifications existing in this specific field, which one do you believe is the more appropriate and one you follow?”
“Name a time that you used logic to solve a problem.”
“The hardest project you undertook.”
Tell us about a time when you had conflict with your boss. How did you resolved that?”
“What was the hardest challenge you've had over your school and work life?”
“Where do see yourself 5 years from now?”
“Who are the stakeholders? Can you think of any more? Is that all?”
“What Interests you about this role?”
“Tell me about yourself?”
“what are your development areas, both professionally and personally as relating to work?”
“What special attributes or skills make you more qualified for this position than another applicant?”
“What did yo do when, after completing a significant amount of work, but finding out things had changed, and you had to completely re-do your work.”
“what makes you look for another job?”
“How do you handle an unreasonable or extremely unhappy person?”
“What would you say your strengths are?”
“In your one of your projects, which one do you think can be of benefit to our company and how?”

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